Sasha's Story: An Insider's Perspective on Child Sex Slavery

In this episode of Ideas Have Consequences, I interview the most remarkable, the most courageous young woman I know: our beautiful daughter, Sasha. Sasha spent the first ten years of her life in godless, pitiless Ukrainian orphanages where abusing those whom Jesus called “the least of these” was the norm. Through her heart-wrenching and powerful testimony, she gives you a glimpse of the reality behind the hit film “Sound of Freedom”: how children were deceived, drugged, and sold. Sasha uncovers the ugly truth and evil committed against vulnerable children all over the world. But her story will inspire you. It is the story of one little girl against the world who prayed to God, and God answered. Despite the unimaginable hardships, her strength and determination to survive shine through. It is the story of how grace triumphed in one of the darkest places on earth. Sasha’s bold story will touch your heart and, she hopes, move you to action.

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